Q&A with Alin Sedge

Can you tell us 3 things about you?

Baby Nursery Designer and Stylist. Mommy to Esme and another baby girl on the way. Admirer of my husband and his passion for our family, for travel and for exploration.

What’s on your nightstand?

Two journals. One that I used during my baby shower in 2016 and where I now journal about my daughter Esme and her sweet milestones. And the other is a daily gratitude journal that I started in January. 

Favorite piece of wisdom that you’ve received as a mother?

Our lives often go through seasons. Seasons of seeking, bonding, parenting, losing, gaining, learning. Dream through all of them and embrace the moments that create a lifetime of memories.

What are you reading?

Anything and everything about manifestation, Fengshui and the power of daily affirmations.

What are you listening to (podcast, Spotify playlist)?

Den Talks and Expanded are my go to podcasts. I love Soundcloud and that's where my husband and I discover and share new music with each other.

Your favorite place on earth?

Aaaaayyyy so many! Going to stick with Aspen as it was a very magical place I visited many moons ago.

Tell us about your Wisdom in the Mama app?

An extended version of enjoy every moment as your baby will grow fast and that feeling of how much they love and adore you at a young age will start to fade away as they grow and evolve.

How do you make time for you?

I'm extremely fortunate to have a lot of time for myself and I choose to exercise, practice yoga, embrace mediation, spend time with friends, network, and create a beautiful and loving home for my family.

Do you believe in balance?

I do. I'm not an extremist by nature and I don't generally binge on anything. I like to be open to new experiences and literally try everything that comes my way for it always leads to something great. For that reason, I find overall balance in my life.

How are you contributing to the mama-universe? How do you empower mamas?

I see the positive in everything and it will be rare to find me complaining about anything, especially motherhood and everything that comes along with it...like nursing, nightly wakings, the constant work and even the ironing of tiny little baby clothes! I never wanted kids or to be a mom, but I must say I'm one of the lucky ones to get to be a mommy. Loving every single second of it. From pregnancy to labor to delivery to everything else. Grateful for baby girl number two coming in June!


My name is Alin Sedge and I am the founder of Baby Meets Nursery. There’s something about having a baby that breaks you into a million pieces and lets the light shine through. Motherhood magically led me to a career change that I had always dreamed of. I finally felt the power to pursue interior design and styling with a niche that I feel so connected to: baby nurseries and kids spaces. Nothing is more important than providing catered services to new and expecting parents at a time when they have so much going on and really need direction.

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Alin Sedge