maven mamas

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Reconnecting With Yourself

You are a mama.  And you are a woman, a friend, a sister, a wife, a warrior.  You are a mama and so much more. Here are 5 ideas of how to reconnect with yourself while navigating your motherhood journey. 

1. Go see a concert, play or movie. If you love live music take a night off and go see a show. Excited for a new movie that is coming out? Hire a babysitter and make it a date night.  

2. Take a shower and primp. Sometimes washing your hair, shaving your legs and plucking your eyebrows is a spa like experience. It can be rejuvenating and remind you of who you are underneath the mama-ness.  

3. Plan a night with girlfriends. They are your lifeline hold on tight to them. Meet up for happy hour so you can still do bedtime with your little one or indulge in a spa treatment together. If a babysitter is just not an option you can still do it - choose a house, everyone bring the kids and give them a special movie night treat.

4. Take a 'Do Not Disturb' Day. Book a room at a hotel (find great last minute deals on Expedia) or a sweet Airbnb for one night. You will need your journal, a good book and if you are like us a bottle of wine! Make sure your childcare knows you will be away and whoever is watching your little has the number to your hotel and your room number...and turn off your cell phone.  

5. Move Your Body. Get out for a run, make a yoga class, go to a dance party, have your own personal dance party. Need a little dance party musical inspiration we have a playlist for you.

We see you mama, in all your workout pants, unwashed hair glory - and you are beautiful. That woman you were before kids is still in there, you didn't lose her, now go reconnect with her.

xo Sahra